Insight to take action

Lower risk with
fewer delays

Product teams should never be forced to delay delivery to bulletproof security. Wolfpack works with your development teams to get rock-solid software and services out the door safely — and on time – with powerful pen testing that won’t slow things down.

Reducing risk over time timeline infographic
Man at his desk working on code review

Go beyond
'surfacing' risk

Too many alerts, tools, and patches create ‘information overload’ that leaves little time for applying fixes. Wolfpack developed a process for fast-tracking your path to action. Instead of growing your to-do list, we help prioritize, strategize, and even remediate risk and lighten the load on your team.

Wolves just know
how to hunt

Leverage our proven process to cover all the bases and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and cyber insurance considerations.

Wolfpack security risk assessment checklist

Application Assesment

Application penetration testing services can include web, mobile, API or desktop and deliver a comprehensive security evaluation by identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities within your applications. Covering aspects such as authentication, session management, data validation, and business logic flaws, our approach ensures robust protection against cyber threats. We differentiate ourselves through a blend of expert manual testing and advanced automated tools, providing detailed insights and tailored remediation strategies.

  • Manual and automated testing to identify security vulnerabilities in your application

  • Report includes code fixes and remediation recommendations

  • Understand the exploitable vulnerabilities in your application and let us show you how to fix them

Woman working at her desk working for IT

Secure Code Review

Our secure code review process scrutinizes the source code to identify security vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with coding standards, aimed at preventing security breaches and enhancing application security. We employ a combination of automated tools and expert manual analysis to provide a deeper, more comprehensive assessment, ensuring not only detection but also actionable insights for robust security enhancements.

  • Work side by side with development teams to test business logic and fix insecure code

  • Integrate directly with the SDLC to document the review process and the discovered findings

  • Review source code for compliance for security best practices

  • Ensure that untrusted data is validated and sanitized when necessary

  • Utilize a combination of manual reviews and automated scans using static application security testing (SAST) tools

Man working on secure code reviews

Cloud Assessment

Cloud security assessments are essential for protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with industry standards in dynamic cloud environments. Wolfpack cloud assessments consist of in-depth testing of your AWS, Azure and GCP infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities in configurations, access controls, and data storage.  We combine expert manual testing with automated tools to deliver comprehensive insights and tailored remediation strategies.

  • Identify misconfigurations in access controls or data storage in your AWS, Azure or GCP environments

  • Reduce the attack surface of your cloud environment by using proper network controls and segmentation

  • Enforce logging and monitoring best practices

Hands typing on a laptop for cyber-defense

Vulnerability Management Advisory

Wolfpack Security was founded on the belief that if developers want to build secure products, we need to go beyond just finding the bugs and focus on how fixes get implemented. Our vulnerability management service supports your team in prioritizing fixes and brings the support they need to build in both regression and functional testing.

  • Articulate the findings so the business can act on it

  • Prioritize penetration test findings with current vulnerabilities

  • Determine the best approach to remediation

  • Discuss risk tolerance and compensating controls

Woman writing on whiteboard for secure development strategy

AppSec Program Advisory

The role of a virtual AppSec leader has expanded exponentially during the past 5 years as organizations look for ways to build security and risk management into their business processes. Wolfpack Security experts fulfill the role of a virtual AppSec leader to help companies of all sizes build and scale their risk management programs. The AppSec Advisor offloads the responsibility for building, maturing and scaling your AppSec security programs so you can focus on business alignment.

  • Application Security Strategy

  • Development Training & Tooling Recommendations

  • Champions Program Remediation Guidance

Man holding secure code in his hand

Staff Augmentation

The prevailing metric in cybersecurity used to be time. Now it’s scale.

Wolfpack brings a multidisciplinary skill set and deep network of talented professionals who understand what your organization needs to scale and when. We place pen-testers, project managers, and virtual security leaders at some of the largest technology companies to support their efforts and bring that same level of nuanced expertise to the enterprise.

  • Connect with the best skilled security professionals through a trusted channel

  • Deliver help to your overburdened teams

  • Quickly scale your security team

People huddled around a computer working on pen testing
'Manual' means less work for you

Automating your compliance and performance testing sounds easier but creates even more headaches for overworked security teams. Wolfpack’s consultative approach combines the deep knowledge and intuition of hands-on professional services with sophisticated tooling to:

Ipad displaying Wolfpack Security's steps
Uncover risk that tools alone miss
Identify flaws in business logic
Tailor methodologies to specific risk profiles
Deliver context and detailed explanations of vulnerabilities, potential impact, and step-by-step remediation
Validate testing done by automated tools and minimize false positives
Mitigating Risk in Less Time
Automated Scanning /  Continuous Testing ToolsWolfpack Security Assessment
Depth of ExpertiseVaries by tool (but you can’t interview a tool) Doesn’t understand business logic      Varies by team Understands business logic
ProcessSet, non-adaptiveTest methodologies adapt based on real-time findings
FindingsKnown vulnerabilities and technical issuesIdentifies potential vulnerabilities based on context and app functionality
ReportingMore detailed with less prioritization Potentially actionablePrioritized and actionable by design
AnalysisStandard, presetCustom testing / tailored methodologies
Secure Appsec steps infographic
Comprehensive Reconnaissance

Our approach begins with thorough reconnaissance, where we gather all necessary information about your applications and infrastructure. This step involves identifying potential entry points and understanding the overall security posture to tailor our strategies effectively.

Sample output:
Identification of the target and its hostname and IP addresses.
Detection of public-facing web applications and services.
Gathering of publicly available information such as employee details, technology stack, and previous security incidents.
Detailed Mapping & Discovery

We meticulously map out the architecture and components of your applications, followed by an extensive discovery phase. This involves becoming familiar with the application’s functionality, scanning for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security gaps that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Sample output:
Detailed architecture diagrams highlighting interconnected components.
Discovery of outdated software versions and unpatched systems.
Identification of weak passwords, default credentials, and insecure configurations.
Detection of sensitive data exposure such as API keys and database credentials.
Targeted Exploitation

Utilizing our findings from the reconnaissance and discovery phases, we conduct controlled exploitation exercises to test the identified vulnerabilities. This step helps us to understand the potential impact of each vulnerability and to prioritize remediation efforts based on risk.

Sample output:
Exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities to access unauthorized data.
Utilization of cross-site scripting (XSS) to execute malicious scripts in a user’s browser.
Leveraging broken authentication mechanisms to gain unauthorized access to accounts.
Testing business logic from the perspective of an attacker's exploitation.
Read our blog
Man typing on a laptop working on secure code
The Hidden Toll

Unveiling the Personal Struggles of Developers in the Cybersecurity Battlefield

Man typing on a laptop working on secure code
Building Resiliency into Application Security

Learn what AppSec Resiliency is and how organizations test their engineering limits through Security Chaos Engineering

Man typing on a laptop working on secure code
Scale your team with Staff Augmentation

Contractors can help close application security gaps and reduce tech debt.

Man typing on a laptop working on secure code
Why do I need a Penetration Test?

Go beyond the scanner to improve the resiliency of your applications.

A step-by-step plan for an
Application Security Assessment
Using a smartphone for cybersecurity
Learning the System
  1. What are the intended targets?

  2. Is company information exposed publicly through OSINT sources?

Smartphone with secure network
Learning the Target
  1. What client and server side technologies and Web frameworks are in use? Which services are active on target hosts?

  2. Where are the application entry points?

  3. What are the main functions or features of the app? Does it contain sensitive data?

  4. What's out of scope for the test?

A smartphone with secure apps and development
Assessing the Target
  1. Is TLS encryption working properly?

  2. How is authentication handled?

  3. Can login workflows be exploited?

  4. Is session management implemented correctly?

  5. Is authorization properly enforced?

  6. Does the application expose sensitive data? Accept user input (XSS, SQLI, SSRF, injection?)

  7. Can file uploads be abused?

  8. Are logs publicly accessible?

Working on secure pen testing on a laptop
Testing the Target

The insights gained during Recon, Mapping, and Discovery come together as the Pack puts target systems and applications to the test:

  1. Can OSINT, user enumeration, lack of anti-automation, and weak password policies be exploited?

  2. Can command injection be leveraged to steal database credentials and gain entry?

  3. Can path traversal vulnerabilities be used to access sensitive files or application source code?

The next step
matters most

Other pen test engagements end when the testing stops but what happens after that makes all the difference. Wolfpack goes beyond reporting to help clients get to resolution with actionable insights—including remediation steps and writing vulnerability stories—that turn analysis into action.

Remediation steps infographic with Wolfpack icon

Talk to
the experts

Tools don’t listen when you talk. We do. Reach out to Wolfpack Security to schedule a consultation with an expert about putting your Web software to the test today.